Wednesday, September 26, 2018

LAD/Blog #6: Federalist Paper #10

1. What is a faction?
A faction is a small dissenting group within a larger one, usually in politics.

2. Are factions good or bad?
Factions are bad because they can passionately advocate for something that may ignore the rights of other citizens and their opinions.

3. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Factions are difficult to eliminate because of human nature. People will always have different opinions and will try to align themselves with people of similar interests and opinions.

4. If factions cannot be removed, then how can they be controlled?
Factions are controlled by the way our form of government is set up. If the majority is able to elect representatives and in a large republic, small factions will not be able to gain full control.

Antifa is a violent left wing group in the U.S. that claims to fight fascists while using fascist techniques and tactics (i.e. harassment, destruction of property, violence.) This relates to Federalist Paper #10 because it can be considered a "faction" like described in the document.

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