Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Blog #16: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

During the Civil War, Lincoln presented his Gettysburg Address on a battlefield where many brave people had died. He begins by saying that the founding fathers had brought together America with the proposition that all men are created equal. Lincoln explains that while the world may not remember what is said on the battlefield, people will never forget the sacrifice that soldiers made for the prosperity of America. Lincoln urges the people that they must continue fighting for the cause that their fellow citizens died for. He concludes with encouragement, saying that under God America shall have a new birth of freedom, and "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" (democracy) shall not perish. Instead, the great country of America will go on!

Lincoln gives his Gettysburg Address
In Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, he encouraged Americans to keep fighting, claiming that the Union would come together and the country would prosper. Similarly, in Winston Churchill's famous speech regarding Dunkirk, he mentioned recent allied military losses and encouraged Americans to "never surrender." He claimed that we would "fight on the beaches" and do whatever possible to defend the United States.

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